

发布于 2016-06-30 11:48:29



首先产生了 cookie 这门技术来解决这个问题,cookie 是 http 协议的一部分,它的处理分为如下几步:

  1. 服务器向客户端发送 cookie。
  2. 通常使用 HTTP 协议规定的 set-cookie 头操作。
  3. 规范规定 cookie 的格式为 name = value 格式,且必须包含这部分。
  4. 浏览器将 cookie 保存。
  5. 每次请求浏览器都会将 cookie 发向服务器。

其他可选的 cookie 参数会影响将 cookie 发送给服务器端的过程,主要有以下几种:

  • domain: 表示 cookie 影响的域名。子域名可读取上一级或顶级域名的cookie。
  • path:表示 cookie 影响到的路径,匹配该路径才发送这个 cookie。
  • expires 和 maxAge:告诉浏览器这个 cookie 什么时候过期,expires 是 UTC 格式时间,maxAge 是 cookie 多久后过期的相对时间。当不设置这两个选项时,会产生 session cookie,session cookie 是 transient 的,当用户关闭浏览器时,就被清除。一般用来保存 session 的 session_id。
  • secure:当 secure 值为 true 时,cookie 在 HTTP 中是无效,在 HTTPS 中才有效。
  • httpOnly:浏览器不允许脚本操作 document.cookie 去获取 cookie。一般情况下都应该设置这个为 true,这样可以避免被 xss 攻击拿到 cookie。
  • SameSite:

Cookie的 SameSite 属性

Preventing CSRF with the same-site cookie attribute

The same-site cookie attribute can be used to disable third-party usage for a specific cookie. It is set by the server when setting the cookie, and requests the browser to only send the cookie in a first-party context, i.e. when you are using the web application directly. When another site tries to request something from the web application, the cookie is not sent. This effectively makes CSRF impossible, because an attacker can not use a user’s session from his site anymore.

The server can set a same-site cookie by adding the SameSite=… attribute to the Set-Cookie header:

Set-Cookie: key=value; HttpOnly; SameSite=strict There are two possible values for the same-site attribute:

  • Lax
  • Strict

In the strict mode, the cookie is withheld with any cross-site usage. Even when the user follows a link to another website the cookie is not sent.

In lax mode, some cross-site usage is allowed. Specifically if the request is a GET request and the request is top-level. Top-level means that the URL in the address bar changes because of this navigation. This is not the case for iframes, images or XMLHttpRequests.

This table shows what cookies are sent with cross-origin requests. As you can see cookies without a same-site attribute (indicated by ‘normal’) are always sent. Strict cookies are never sent. Lax cookies are only send with a top-level get request.


From Opt-out:

Do Not Track (DNT请勿跟踪) is an HTTP header field that requests that a web application or web site to disable its direct or cross-site user tracking of an individual user. The header field name is DNT and it currently accepts three values:

  • 1, when the user does not want to be tracked (opt out)
  • 0, when the user consents to being tracked (opt in)
  • Null (no header sent), when the user has not expressed a preference

P3P Header




上面例子中隐私策略中 CURa ADMa DEVa PSAo PSDo OUR BUS UNI PUR INT DEM STA PRE COM NAV OTC NOI DSP COR 的意思是啥。 Fiddler可以方便的知道,在Fiddler 中我们可以看到如下信息:

Compact Policy token is present. A trailing 'o' means opt-out, a trailing 'i' means opt-in.

Information is used to complete the activity for which it was provided.

Information may be used for the technical support of the Web site and its computer system.

Information may be used to enhance, evaluate, or otherwise review the site, service, product, or market.

Information may be used to create or build a record of a particular individual or computer that is tied to a pseudonymous identifier, without tying identified data (such as name, address, phone number, or email address) to the record. This profile will be used to determine the habits, interests, or other characteristics of individuals for purpose of research, analysis and reporting, but it will not be used to attempt to identify specific individuals.

Information may be used to create or build a record of a particular individual or computer that is tied to a pseudonymous identifier, without tying identified data (such as name, address, phone number, or email address) to the record. This profile will be used to determine the habits, interests, or other characteristics of individuals to make a decision that directly affects that individual, but it will not be used to attempt to identify specific individuals.

We share information with ourselves and/or entities acting as our agents or entities for whom we are acting as an agent.

Info is retained under a service provider's stated business practices. Sites MUST have a retention policy that establishes a destruction time table. The retention policy MUST be included in or linked from the site's human-readable privacy policy.

Non-financial identifiers, excluding government-issued identifiers, issued for purposes of consistently identifying or recognizing the individual. These include identifiers issued by a Web site or service.

Information actively generated by the purchase of a product or service, including information about the method of payment.

Data actively generated from or reflecting explicit interactions with a service provider through its site -- such as queries to a search engine, or logs of account activity.

Data about an individual's characteristics -- such as gender, age, and income.

Mechanisms for maintaining a stateful session with a user or automatically recognizing users who have visited a particular site or accessed particular content previously -- such as HTTP cookies.

Data about an individual's likes and dislikes -- such as favorite color or musical tastes.

Information about the computer system that the individual is using to access the network -- such as the IP number, domain name, browser type or operating system.

Data passively generated by browsing the Web site -- such as which pages are visited, and how long users stay on each page.

Other types of data not captured by the above definitions.

Web Site does not collected identified data.

The privacy policy contains DISPUTES elements.

Errors or wrongful actions arising in connection with the privacy policy will be remedied by the service.


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